Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010 - bike baby bike!

I tried this last year, but what with the craptastic summer we had, I couldn't achieve my ride to work Friday policy. Today I start again! I will tell you up front, I don't ride in the rain or cold. So this may not be continuous, but my plan is every friday. The route from our house to work is about 20k each way. I know it's kind of ambitious for the first ride of the year, but go big or go home. Tomorrow my butt is going to hurt! There might even be some walking issues.

I must admit, I almost took the bus home until my friend Nancy told me to ride! So I did. She does Soldiers of Fitness Boot Camp three times a week and they are crazy with the carrying of revarbs(sp?) and telephone pole carries. What's another 20k bike ride???

T-minus 1 week to the NCM 10k race and I'm feeling good. I won't need to run a long run this weekend with such a long ride today, but will run a short run or two throughout the week.

I used my iPod, but it's over an hour each way so I won't list the music.

Long weekend here in Ottawa. whoop whoop! I rode 40k today, I deserve a wobbly pop!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! That's quite a bike ride! A great accomplishment to kick the long weekend off right!!! Let the celebration begin!

