Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010 - weights - upper body

Today I was suppose to go to a body pump class, but my legs needed a rest. I'll admit it, they are sore today. So I decided an upper body workout to balance the soreness was required. Tomorrow is a rest day too. I'm not going to lie. I'm tired and am looking forward to this upcoming long weekend. It's suppose to be rainy, but it's still 3 days off. whoop whoop

View from the mat:
I try not to really watch others lift weights because when I do and they are doing it wrong, I want to tell them. But these are all the muscle heads who are there to pump iron and flex for the girls, so I don't. Today was no exception. One guy was doing bicep curls but swinging his entire body to get the weights to move. I'm thinking that's not really working what you want it to work. They grunt and make faces and feel all macho because they can lift 65lbs dumbells per arm. I watch their reactions and then look at the dumbells and think perfect, "dumb" ell! It amuses me.

Today's workout:
I kind of combined two days together again.

Pull ups assisted - 3 x 8 reps @95lbs;
Bent over lat raises - 3 x 12 reps @40lbs;
Overhead lat raises on bench - 3 x 12 reps @20lbs;
Bicep curls - 3 x 12 reps @30lbs
Dips - no weights, 2x12 reps
Push-ups 3 x 12 reps (from toes)
Triceps pull downs –12 reps @ 80lbs x 2
Incline bicep curls @ 20lbs dumbbell x10 each arm (this one hurt today)
situps - 10 middle, 10 left and 10 right x2

The Music:
Deadlines - Arkells
Gimme Sympathy - Metric
Breathe - Nickelback
Teeth - Lady GaGA
In Her Eyes - Josh Groban
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Black Mirror - Arcade Fire
Heart of the City - Arkells
Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) - Nickelback

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