Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010 - Body Pump

I haven't done a Body Pump class in about 6 months, so needless to say, tomorrow I hurt. If you've never taken a pump class, it's weights to music and its low weight, high repetition focusing on each individual muscle groups for each song. Squats, chest, back & hamstring, lunges, shoulders, abs, and then a cooldown. Because this was a lunchtime class, it's only 45mins. They remove bicep and tricep tracks. Since the dreaded squat workout, my legs have been sore as you know. Doing a 3 minute squat track today won't help their cause to get better. I'm hoping I'll be able to walk tomorrow. As for the rest of my muscles, only time will tell.

View from the step:
lots and lots of Lululemon clothing. I finally fit in (whoop whoop). I know owning two pairs of crop pants doesn't put me in the same league, but still. There were also several men in the class, which is very rare. The nice looking guy up front wore his iPod and headphones. I guess he didn't like the music the instructor played. Kim, the instructor, used lots of old tracks from the releases in the 30s, so going back a ways. Lots of 80s music, good to sing to. It also keeps your mind off the pain!

tomorrow is a day off, thank god! my muscles need rest!

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