Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oct 30, 2010 - Devils Night and a 17km run!

Why does the morning come so fast when you have to get up for a run. It was like I closed my eyes and then boom it was time to get up. Lisa and I met at UofO and ran the canal again but had to add 4k from last week. So we ran up to Hogs Back and over to Prince of Wales and then back to Dows lake and around. We were both surprised on how much easier this run was and felt pretty good the entire time. I did feel rather slothy but only because Lisa got up and did an hour and a half swim practice prior to our 17kms but I will gladly take this run and allow myself to eat, drink and be merry at our going away party tonight.

View from the path:
Lots of runners were out this morning as it was much warmer than last week. The route was basically the same, so not much new to see but the conversation was great. We chatted about anything and everthing the entire time. We did have to take a pee break at Carleton around 6kms. I knew I wouldn't last the next 10kms so it added about 10mins to our run. Still at just under 2hours we completed 16.76km. I'm also adding the walk back to the car to complete my 17km goal!

The Music:
None during but in the car on the drive down to meet Lisa and the drive home I was listening to my Glee soundtrack and it was just enough to keep me motivated. I do so enjoy the music!

Next week:
20km! have to run Friday as I'll be heading to TO to say goodbye to those friends before the big move to Raleigh!

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