Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th, 2010 - 29kms

Today was a mental's snowed last night (something which I moved south to avoid!) and I had to run 29kms. I really don't like running by myself, I miss my running partner. The music definately helps, but at some points, not even that has what I need. Running a path I remember helped though. I had visual markers that told me how far I was even if I didn't know exactly the distances. I ran the path from Fleet Feet Sports to Umstead Park and back. Within the park I was to run a loop, but I got washed out and had to turn around and backtrack. Which in the end was what I needed to make the 29km.

Holy crap there was wind today and of course was in my face for the first 10km. Now I wasn't optimistic that it would push me home, because usually it switches and is in your face on the way back too (at least in Ottawa). But today, things were in my favour! Not only did I get the little push, I didn't fall, I didn't get lost and I didn't lose my phone!

View from the path:
Entering Umstead Park was beautiful. The snow was still up in the tall trees and with all the wind was falling down. So it looked like it was snowing while there was bright sunshine, it was just amazing. There were fewer people out today in the park, but the diehards. It's nice to run alone amongst the trees right up until the path is completely washed out. I came to this point at the same time as another runner coming the other direction. He decided to hop the stones across. I decided with 15kms to go that I didn't want to run with wet feet, as my blister on my right foot was already talking to me. I stayed while he crossed for fear if he fell he'd need help. It took a bit, but he made it across. I decided to turn around and back track to where I came from, the only issue at that point was that I was at the bottom of a wicked hill that was all gravel.

Seeing the girls at 21kms for my food break was also great timing. Getting the Go Mommy Go cheer really does lighten the spirits when all I wanted to do was quit. I know why I'm doing this craziness, I'm just not sure I want to anymore when it hurts so much. At the end of the run, I knew why again, however, I'm still not sure if I can do it. But I'm going to give it my best effort. Today 29km in 3hrs 35mins. Have I mentioned how much I HATE HILLS!!! I'm not going to lie, I walked a few of them near the end.

The Music:
I've come to believe that the first song says alot! Is It Any Wonder by Keane, kind of fit the bill today, because that's all it is, A Wonder!
When I met up with the girls, I thought it was funny that their favourite song was playing on my iPod was kismit! Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire along with my cheers gave me the last boost for the run.

Next week 32km!

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