hey there all. Today was my tennis lesson day and I only needed to take a break once. So much better than my first lesson 3 weeks ago. It’s a great workout running around the court, so much different from just running forward.
I’m enjoying being back on the court and having great encouragement by the tennis pro as well as my family. It’s great! I especially enjoyed going into the proshop to pay for my lesson and having the lady behind the desk ask if I was Karen, from Monday night quads. I said yes and her response was, “oh, I hear you’re good”. Ego boost!
Tomorrow is another 3km run and body pump! Then the big 5km (3mile) run on the weekend. It’s not Rob’s 16 mile run, but it’s still a big one :)
Until tomorrow!
What a lovely ego boost indeed but I'm sure that there was much truth in her comment as well. Glad that the lessons are going well. Best wishes on the big 5km run over the weekend.